Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Moving to MOSS 2007

Recently my company has undertaken a project with an aim of accomplishing 3 different objectives:
  1. Redesign our corporate intranet.
  2. Improve office collaboration, document management, and workflow.
  3. Implement a new framework for application delivery.
The project began several months ago in an informal way but has recently built up steam and turned into a "real" project. Through a series of events which are beyond the scope of what I'm writing here we've ending up heading down the path to MOSS2007 (or Microsoft Office SharePoint Services for the uninitiated).

What amazes me about the product is the sheer size of it. The documentation alone is jaw dropping. I'm looking at an architecture and planning guide that weighs in at over 600 pages! And that's only part 1 of 2! It's incredible that you can spend years working in and with technology only to be infantilized once again with the latest release of big blob X from company Y every couple of years. Progress... you gotta love it.

Nevertheless, I will say that I do believe in the portal concept. The idea that we have to go to too many places to get the information that we need. The idea that when we go to all these places we often end up being bombarded by far more information than we can process. I'd like to change this, in my small way, by making this project succeed.

So it's off to MOSS we go, where this will stop, nobody knows!

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